Saturday, July 5, 2008

Canadian National Pagan Conference

I’ve been invited to be the keynote speaker at the Canadian National Pagan Conference in Vancouver, BC, May 15 – 19, 2009. I’m told that it will attract 120 – 150 participants and will be held at the University of British Columbia. CNPC has rotated annually around Canada since it began in Edmonton in 2004. It brings together Canadian Pagan scholars and scholars of Paganism, Elders, activists and leaders in the various Pagan faiths (Wicca, Asatru, Druidry and others) for discussion and networking. Now all I have to do is figure out what issue I’m going to talk about. Anybody out there have any suggestions?



Crystal T. said...

With your Law Enforcement Guide coming back out for publication, why not talk about the importance of working well with the local authorities, being able to communicate with them about the misconceptions about our faith and educating them. Also Magical Self Defense is still relatively new to the public so talking about your use of quantum theories would be a good subject as well.

Skatha said...

Especially like your suggestion for dove-tailing quantum theory into the talk, crystal.

Kerr referenced some of Dr. Radin's work in his magickal warding book and Radin isn't alone in the field. Others are working to quantify what we pagans have known for a very long time. I'd like to see this topic have more public exposure.

Anonymous said...

Help me with my project...

Placing one quartz crystal in every major sector of the world, starting with all 50 US state Capitals.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Kerr Cuhulain: For some reason my comment I just sent said did not go through. My suggestion was to talk about energy. I mention what I named the mortstare in my blog site which is a salvage channeled energy, a death stare, initiated by the perpetrator onto the victim which causes the victims heart to race, whether the victim looks at the perpetrator or not. There must be thousands of others who have experienced this energy (such as some low rent tenants in New York City) One could prove this with a heart monitor and a person capable of the mortstare (though I doubt any of those men would come forward). I also read imminent energy in the air, which I believe can be proven. If you blindfolded me and spread out 10 people in the same room, all thinking about laying in the sun on a beach, and you came in and sent imminent thought toward me (a model type would not suffice)I could point out where you were. My blog site is: My e-mail is If you wish to ask me questions, you may call or write. My cell phone #: 917-607-6086. My address is: 203 East 27th St. #25, NYC, NY 10016-9120. My very best to you. Thanks much for your wonderful book, Magickal Self Defense,-- I am Becky Gliber.