Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Imbolc and Other Sabbats

I've just posted an Imbolc recipe on my fantasy writer blog: Its one of the recipes from my new cookbook on Smashwords: Ancient Recipes for Modern Kitchens. I've also updated all of the rituals for our Order of Scathach on the Order's Training Blog. We're celebrating Imbolc this coming weekend, which includes candle making: The accompanying photo shows one of our young people making candles at last year's celebration. If you're curious about what we do for Sabbat celebrations, you're welcome to have a look.

In Her Service, Kerr

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I've just published a cookbook for Sabbats and Esbats. Ancient Recipes for Modern Kitchens presents 119 recipes from antiquity along with their history modernized for your use. They are organized to reflect the turning of the seasons of the year. This book helps modern people celebrate in ways that would be familiar to their ancestors and honor their traditions while at the same time improving upon what our ancestors had to work with. You can check it out at: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/36267
In Her Service, Kerr

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Survived New Years Again

Extremely busy night at work last night. 2 thousand 911 calls handled and when I left at 7 AM after 12 hours of non stop stupid we were already 400 police incidents into the new year. My friends helped me through it with a wonderful Yule celebration. The photo shows how I dressed to dispatch at Christmas.
Check out my first e book Modern Knighthood on Smashwords.com
Have a wonderful New Year.
In Her Service, Kerr