Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Love Magick

Every so often, I get an e mail like this (name removed to respect the privacy of the sender):


I'm trying to find someone to help me with matters of the heart, and wondering if your willing to help me.
I've tried to find someone who works with wicca. I found your name and info on the internet and hoping that you would e mail me back and let me know if you’re willing to help me bring a lost love back into my life.
This is very important to me and many people say they can't do this kind of as they aren't strong enough.
Please tell me you can and will help me. I love this man ssoo much and want him back in my life . I will explain more when I hear back from you.
PLEASE help me, I will do almost anything to get us together again."

And my reply to this person is the same advice that I’ve given to countless people over the years:

I'm sorry to hear of your distress, and I can tell from your note that this is a very emotional issue for you. Yes, I have the power to do this: You have this power yourself, I assure you; all you need to do is to learn how to access it. Your note gives me the impression that you feel powerless. You have the power, it is yours to use. That's what we teach in the Order of Scathach.

However, I would strongly caution you against engaging in any form of magick that forces your will upon another. There is an old adage: What you bind, you're bound to. Without exception, people who do magick to make someone they are interested in love them end up with bad relationships. If this is truly love, and is meant to be, then you don't need magick to make it happen. It is magick in and of itself. If this relationship that you were in has ended, and/or isn't working, then that may be a good indication that it isn't meant to be, however strongly you feel about it at the moment. That your relationship has failed may be a very strong indication that you can do better than this, and that someone better is out there waiting for you. If you have to do magick to make someone love you, it isn't love, and it will only lead to disappointment. If you want a loving relationship and are having problems finding one, magick the universe, not a particular person. Put the intention out there and you'll get what you were looking for, probably faster than you thought. We can help you to overcome your distress, but we don't do love spells to make people love you.

In Her Service
Kerr Cuhulain
Grand MasterOrder of Scathach
warriorwitch @ http://twitter.com/

1 comment:

Janus Bellator said...

You're much more polite and explanatory than I would be, Kerr. I usually simply say something like, "I don't do coersion magick," and leave it at that. If they persue the request, I just ask them how they would feel if someone forced them into a relationship they didn't want.

Too much of the Samantha thing out there, I think. People think all you need to do is twitch your nose, or something equally silly, and all your Disneyesque dreams will come true.